New Year Blessings to You and Yours!
We just finished a few seminal days in the life of United Church Camps, Inc. (UCCI)! On January 1st Cedar Valley in West Bend officially became part of the UCCI family. This beautiful retreat center and staff are a welcome addition to our offerings. January 2nd – our opening day for 2020 registration – 181 registrations, totaling 493 guests, were placed. Four Family Camps filled . . . with waiting lists . . . on the first day! One filled in thirty minutes!! Let that wash over you . . . people cannot wait to gather at Daycholah Center, Moon Beach and Cedar Valley!!! Something VERY special is happening and God is in the middle of it all. Now we need your help. We want the whole world to know about the great offerings at UCCI.
Here’s what you can do:
- Follow UCCI on social media (Facebook and Instagram).
- “Like,” “Share” and repost our social media communications.
- Make sure that you are on our newsletter list (sign up is on the bottom of our homepage). If you’ve signed up but haven’t received it, go to your spam or junk folders and green light it. Tell your friends and family to check theirs and/or sign up as well!
- If you would like to receive our printed, quarterly newsletter in the mail, simply email your name and address to
The best way to share the love for our Outdoor Ministry programs is to first experience them for yourself. We invite you to “Come As You Are” and find the spiritual boost and peace that our sites offer. Even better, bring a friend. We need the world to know that Outdoor Ministry at Daycholah Center, Moon Beach and Cedar Valley is alive, well, and helping spread the good news that we just celebrated at Christmas . . . namely that God loves us!