To love and be loved … one should be so lucky! Having something to be truly passionate about is a gift. It gives your heart fullness, your soul meaning, your mind direction. A friend recently asked what I am truly passionate about … where I am ALL in? The sad answer is nowhere. I, like many, am overwhelmed and busy beyond healthy. The phone, email, schedule all take priority over contemplative grounding.
So what is one to do? It’s quite easy. Slow down, unplug, relax, and LISTEN. Listen to that still, small voice of the Divine whisper that you are loved.
Quite easy and SOOOOO hard. We don’t excel at slowing down. Doing nothing is close to a sin in this age of “enlightenment.” Well that’s why Cedar Valley, Moon Beach, and Daycholah Center are here! It is hard … and you need help. That is where we come in, go to right now and see where you can find relief. We have tremendous offerings for people of all ages and interests. From rocking in the cradle to rocking in your chair … there truly is something for everyone. Quilt, play games, sail, kayak, meditate, hike, rest, create art, swim, pray, laugh … try one of our “domestic mission” opportunities like volunteering for Camp AweSum or Memory Camp. It’s in the giving that we receive. It’s in the serving that we are served. It’s in the loving that we are loved.
Come as you are! Rekindle your love relationships … with yourself … with one another … with God!