Knock, Knock – Oct. 2024
- Oct 11 - 13 2024
- Expired!
It’s a middle school thing! It’s also a group thing! Start your 6th-8th graders on the adventure of faith exploration. Open the DOOR to energize Youth Ministry. This is an opportunity to develop stronger bonds as a group while discovering that love and acceptance is the true experience of the church.
Throughout the weekend, youth and adults will explore the challenges and opportunities middle school youth face through the lens of faith. We’ll focus on navigating changes in relationships (family and friends), dealing with the “tough stuff” today’s teens experience, exploring the influence we have on those around us, and we’ll enjoy some fun and games!
Rev. Jacob Nault will inspire and encourage us through music and worship.
Check-in for the retreat begins at 7 pm on Friday, October 11th. The program will begin at 8 pm.
The retreat ends at 11:30 am on Sunday, October 13th.
EARLY-BIRD DEADLINE: September 19, 2024 ($240/person)
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: September 26, 2024 ($250/person)
$50 non-refundable deposit for each participant.
No refunds after September 26th.
Information needed to complete registration:
- Participant Name
- Participant Address
- Participant Grade Level
- Participant Birthdate
- Participant Gender Identity
- Church Name
- Church City/Town
- Group Leader Name
- Dietary Restrictions
- Allergies
- ADA Needs
If you have questions about the program, contact Lisa Hart at lhart@wcucc.org or 608-438-1571
Register Now!
For pricing, registration, and questions contact Lisa Hart at lhart@wcucc.org or 608-438-1571

Wisconsin Conference UCC Youth Faith Formation