Dear UCCI Family –
Mother’s Day comes on the heels of Easter. That is no coincidence. By remembering all of the important women in our lives…the ones that birthed us, those who loved us unconditionally, who taught us right from wrong, who nursed our wounds, built us up, kept us humble, and always did what was right for us…we get a small glimpse into how much God loves us. Frankly, it’s hard to accept and even harder to imagine that which God did for us.
There is MUCH in life that is hard to imagine and accept. Three months ago, who could have imagined a pandemic would cause so much uncertainty and change? It is in a love response to this uncertainty that UCCI is suspending programming at Daycholah Center for Summer 2020.
Our decision comes with great angst and after much discernment. Discernment rooted in science, safety, and love. The UCCI Leadership Team, with the unanimous support of our Board, believes there are too many risks associated with hosting a traditional summer youth program. As Rev. Nathan Athorp, Managing Director at Daycholah Center put it; “It is very painful to come to this point, but we have no other alternative. If we truly are committed to loving all others, then we cannot run the risk of spreading this virus.” While the summer events at Cedar Valley and Moon Beach scheduled after June 26th are still currently planned, as these sites have the ability to more easily safely distance, they are under continual review based on current health and safety standards.
All is not lost. UCCI has been awarded a Payroll Protection Plan Loan from the Small Business Association (SBA). With it, we will soon be able to “unfurlough” our year-round staff and bring in seasonal staff at all three locations. They will paint, prune, and clean in a safe and socially distanced way. We have projects at all three sites focused on better serving our guests once it is safe to return.
We will continue to monitor Department of Health standards and guidelines for reopening. We will continue to root our decisions in science and facts. We will continue to live our Mission Statement to love ALL others…those that come to our Sites…and those that are potentially impacted by people that visit our Sites.
Love of this magnitude is sometimes hard to understand and accept. We are doing the best we can to love. And we love ALL of you!
Yours in Christ,
Glenn Svetnicka – Executive Director UCCI