United Church Camps, Inc. (UCCI) is very excited to announce Cedar Valley in West Bend as the third Outdoor Ministry Retreat Site in Wisconsin! Cedar Valley has operated as an Adult Retreat Center since 1986 as part of Cedar Community. We see this venue and its programs as complimentary to the Youth Retreat venue and programs at Daycholah Center, and the Multigenerational Retreat venue and programs at Moon Beach. The proximity to the Milwaukee market does not overlap with the Northwoods nor Central Wisconsin. Basically, this is a win, win, win, win … Cedar Valley will continue to operate as a premier adult retreat center within a new non-profit family, UCCI gets another beautiful site in which to serve the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ (WCUCC), the WCUCC gets expanded geographic reach and diversity of programs, and Cedar Community gets a new partnership and increase marketing opportunities for the health services programs.
Our partnership formally begins on January 1, 2020. Over the next few months we will be integrating our registration system and Information Technologies and performing some capital improvements to the infrastructure at Cedar Valley. We will keep you informed on our progress and some of the exciting new possibilities with this partnership as plans progress. For now, please join me in welcoming the Cedar Valley Team to the UCCI Family!