This has been a challenging few weeks for all of us. Guidance on how to address the spread of COVID-19 changes daily, sometimes hourly. At the direction of Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, we are all staying “Safer at Home.” Our Leadership Team and Board Leadership meet continually via technology to handle UCCI’s response to this situation and make sure Daycholah Center, Moon Beach, and Cedar Valley survive. As one of our financial partners recently said, “you can’t do your mission if you are bankrupt.”
Our mission is ministry. Typically, that means people visit our Sites … we take care of them …then God steps in with love. Atypically, it means we scramble to project how many weeks we can still pay our team and bills. Atypically, it means we prioritize what’s “essential.” Atypically, it means we lose sleep, fret, and worry. Truly, these are atypical times.
You know what is typical? God stepping in with love.
It may be difficult to see God when there are no regular Sunday services. It may be difficult to feel God when all we feel is uncertainty. It may be difficult to hear God when our heads are riddled with fear. It may be difficult to smell God when even the beaches are closed. It may be difficult to taste God when even the Communion is quarantined.
Friends, even when so much is atypical and difficult…God’s truth stays true.
God is still here…stepping in with love … stepping in through you … your hands, your feet, your words, your actions … you. Go be love!