2023 Annual Report
Finding the Sweet Spot: Adapting Outdoor Ministry for a Changing World In 2023, UCCI underwent a strategic transformation, highlighted by the sale of the Daycholah Center property to the Wisconsin…
Finding the Sweet Spot: Adapting Outdoor Ministry for a Changing World In 2023, UCCI underwent a strategic transformation, highlighted by the sale of the Daycholah Center property to the Wisconsin…
Two Summer Staff Fellowship Positions Available at Daycholah Center Daycholah Center is thrilled to announce the availability of two fellowship positions funded by the Outdoor Ministries Association-UCC in collaboration with…
Ignite Generosity Appeal
Honeybees at Cedar Valley Sometimes, the mission of UCCI is more internal and invisible. And sometimes, it springs to life right before your eyes! Late in May, loving the earth…
https://youtu.be/9Guo0ByTsl4 A video invitation to Return to Sacred Ground Executive Director Jim Schleif shares an invitation to come experience Cedar Valley, Daycholah Center, and Moon Beach. The Managing Directors of…
What does it mean to Return to Sacred Ground? A message from Executive Director James SchleifWhat does it mean to “Return to Sacred Ground?” At face value, it is an…